Scheibel Minnesota and California.

John Thiébaud Scheibel , Anne Maries Meny , their 5 children , leave Ranspach , emigrate in the United States on board of the William Tell , disembark to New - York 5 November 1853 and reside 3 years in this State .

The family Scheibel will endure some far more agitated years that their cousin Friburger installed in Algeria . By 1856 , they are established in New Ulm , Minnesota in Indian territory , a small town of emigrant Germans , Austrians , Alsatians totaling 900 residents in 1862 . John Thiébaud Scheibel father becomes farmer in Cottonwood . Thiébaud Jr. wins the auction by bidding $100. for the right to ring the first peel of the first bell of the church of New Ulm . At the beginning of the revolt of Sioux , 4 August 1862 , the Scheibels along with Bernard Gantner , spouse of Catherine , escape their property of Cottonwood and seek refuge in New Ulm . August 19 , 400 Santee Sioux loot the city of New Ulm . On the morning of 23 August , they launch a new assault on the city and knock down barricades erected by the population . The women and children are enclosed in the church and school , with plans for them to be dynamited should it be necessary to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Sioux . But the Sioux withdraw , the city is half destroyed 36 killed and 23 casualties among the resistants . Calm is re-established , and the Scheibel family return to the farm of Cottonwood .
Thiebaud Jr is appointed a commissioner by the government to oversee the Indians .

But tranquillity did not return to the settlers of Minnesota . The War of Secession has already begun in 1861 and so John Thiébaud Scheibel , Thiébaud Jr and his brother-in-law ,Bernard Gantner join the Union Army becoming part of the 11th Minnesota Volunteers Regiment. Thiébaud Jr passes the winter 1864-1865 in the freezing trenches of Nashville ,guarding the railroad lines coming up from the south.

After the war,Thiébaud Jr suffers arthritis , the Dr Hoffstetter counsels it a hot region . Thus it abandons the region of New Ulm , accompanied by Bernard Gantner and their small family for the new earth of California in 1873 . Henry the last of Scheibel directs then the property of Cottonwood with the assistance of its mother and will have many descendants to the Minnesota .

These new pioneers of California install in the region of San Francisco , Gantner to Sébastopol and becomes tan . Thiébaut Jr Scheibel builds a farm and converts in the viticulture to Santa Rosa but it has others ideas in head , has the taste of the mechanics and the invention . in the beginning of the XX e century , it builds a plane and to the moment to discover the appropriate fuel for the engine , the earthquake and the fire to San Francisco in 1906 , annihilate it all its dreams .

Thus is born the dynasty Scheibel of Minnesota and California .

Thank you to Eléonore Miller Mayer and to Maureen Morris

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